Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Inspire Me.

It's 2012. Year of the whatever you call it. 
What ever you do call it, big stuff is meant to happen. 
Whether or not big stuff happens, we all secretly wonder if it might. 
I know this year I am focused on living and nothing else. 
But not just living, but living to the fullest. 
Every year should be spent like this. 
And not just cos you think Jesus is gonna pay a visit. 
So without further I-do, 
I would like to pay tribute to some humans who, 
with their triumphs and failures,
inspire me to both be better & live better. 
Thanks guys, you do me good.


  1. amazing photos
    but not only the photos in this post are inspiring but also the people! :)
    great post!

  2. Wow. What an incredible collection of photos you've created! So many beautiful faces. Love me some Liam!

  3. I love your selection of portraits!
