These photographs are just an appetizer for what is yet to come of my six months of travel abroad. Thought I'd start with one of my favourite places first - Cesky Krumlov.
The land of Trdlnik (sweet hot bread dipped in cinnamon and sugar), Knedlik (countless potato dumplings) and Langos (basically deep fried bread in butter, garlic & cheese).
Where beer is cheaper than water and thank you is pronounced 'Dick-Wee'!
Where bears guard the palace gates and a pub-crawl for the Ceskies is best done in kyaks all the way down the Vlatva River. The beds of our hostel were like those of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves; situated high up in the loft of a once 12th Century leprosy hospital.
My best friend Georgie and I shared many laughs here, many calories and almost too much fun.
I miss you Cesky, with all of my heart.